Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Marcos Solution: Creating a Renewable Energy Future

"We Do Not Inherit the Earth from Our Ancestors; We Borrow It from Our Children"
Native American Proverb

The decisions that leaders make today can either make or un-make our future. The policies being pursued now ultimately affect the collective interests of future generations including those already born and the unborn. From this perspective, leaders have a strong moral obligation to consider the well-being of the generations who will inherit the world long after we are gone.

Securing a viable energy future is one of the key pillars of sustainable development. And a viable energy strategy requires a sound environmental conservation plan at the same time. A future-oriented development effort of this kind entails a policy to provide a safe, secure, and sustainable alternatives to our current but unsustainable energy sources. Most, if not all, of our energy sources, are derived from imported fossil fuels which are not only exhaustible but also increasingly costly. Relying too much on carbon-based energy sources impairs our ability to adapt to the local and global challenges of climate change. Furthermore, fossil fuels are highly susceptible to the political and economic volatilities. Thus, we cannot entrust our energy future to unstable sources.

Bongbong Marcos has long been an advocate and champion of sustainable and renewable energy. It is his lifelong commitment to transform a future sustainable economic prosperity into a continuing inheritance for many Filipino generations to come.

In his capacity as governor, Bongbong Marcos embarked on a series of Green Nation Building projects that would ultimately transform Ilocos Norte as Southeast Asia’s leading frontier in renewable energy. The now famous Wind Farms of Ilocos Norte are a testament to his foresighted leadership and management through excellence. It also symbolizes the Filipinos’ resilient character amidst hardships and difficulties. Today, his trademark energy projects have greatly expanded and achieved new heights. With the successful installation and operation of solar farms under the wind turbines, Ilocos Norte is without a doubt the site of the world’s first integrated solar and wind farm.  

His foreboding of an impending energy crisis that is now crippling some parts of the Philippines like Mindanao prompted Bongbong Marcos to bring his dream, vision, and purpose of renewable energy future to the larger cause of the country. In his capacity as a senator, he authored Senate Bill No. 2953, an Act creating a Hydrogen Research and Development Center to support and encourage the use and development of hydrogen (deuterium from ocean water) as an alternative source of fuel energy. He recognizes its importance in minimizing the effects of greenhouse gasses. Furthermore, he sees a huge and viable potential in the use of the abundant but largely undertapped hydrogen-based resources that nature has provided us.

Nature has gifted us a fuel that is abundantly free. All we need to do is build the renewable infrastructure to extract the energy that is practically clean, safe, and limitless.        
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