Tuesday, November 10, 2015

A Call to Revolution

“A true revolution of values will soon cause us to question the fairness and justice of many of our past and present policies.” - Martin Luther King, Jr.

We need a revolution.

We need a revolution because the system that we are living under is not suitable for dignified human existence. This is not a fair and equitable system created for and by the people but by the excessive pursuit of self-serving interests by a powerful few.

We need a revolution that urgently calls for a change of values. Governance has lost its moral fortitude. The moral vacuum is now replaced by a culture of entitlement where people in positions of authority no longer profess a commitment to accountability and responsibility to the people whom they serve. The perversion of free enterprise has resulted to a de-humanizing market economy where development is held captive by few but highly influential economic actors at the expense of the common people.

Our democracy is losing its human quality. There’s nothing left of our faltering democratic institutions but a farcical and theatrical display of political showmanship, pretensions, and utter nonsense. Plain commonsensical wisdom seems to have abandoned many of our current breed of leaders in their approach to solving our country’s numerous problems. Our leadership culture in both public and private sectors is trailing behind other countries in terms of political maturity.

We need a revolution in order to re-learn the basics of nation-building. The fundamentals of nation-building involve the harnessing of the untapped power of love and compassion- the sentimental forces innate in every individual. It is love and compassion that underpin our communitarian values- our bayanihan spirit.

Love and compassion teaches us to speak from the heart. When everyone learns how to speak from the heart, we are starting to make our voices heard. Every single voice constitutes a political statement. The consolidation of these voices becomes a powerful thrust of a revolution.

A revolution can only be possible through sustained enthusiasm. We need to sustain this enthusiasm by laying the groundwork for a change in societal structures and revolution of values. When we advocate for a revolution, it's not human frustration that makes a difference but the sharp understanding of our dire conditions and our collective ability to overcome them.
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